If you have never heard the phrase "Peace on Earth" during the Christmas season, you must be living under a rock. Everywhere you turn you either hear the phrase in a song or you see it on a decoration of some sort. According to Merriam Webster dictionary it states that peace means " harmony in personal relations", and "freedom from disquieting thoughts or emotions." Have any of you ever just sat around and thought about why this phrase is mostly just brought up around Christmas time. No one goes around during the year saying this, only during the holiday season. Christmas is the time of year when everyone is generally happy and they want to enjoy themselves and their families. Of course we would all love to have peace all year around, but lets get real..unfortunately things just do not work like that. I find myself always wanting peace on earth that just like any other human being, and I wish things were just that simple.
I somewhat believe that this phrase is brought up around this time of the year because it is the most joyous time of the year, but it also has a lot to do with the real reason we have Christmas. I think that since Christmas is celebrated because of the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ, and this is why peace on earth is such a big deal around this holiday. When I think of Jesus I think of peace, and happiness. I kind of think this is a negative look on peace on earth, because we should have this hope all year around, not just around this holiday. I think that not only Christmas should be peaceful, i think that all 365 days of the year should be this way. I cannot tell you how many times I have sang the song "peace on earth" throughout my nine years of chorus and i never really thought about the words, i just thought it was a christmas song, I now have a whole different outlook.
I thought you made some really good points on how peace on earth should be thought of or said all year round. I agree with you that the only time I ever hear the phrase is around Christmas or when I hear the song. I thought it was interesting that you thought the phrase should be used all year round and not just around Christmas time. I agree with you that around Christmas people are usually more joyous and cheerful. I think that people should try to have that outlook all year round and that the phrase “Peace on Earth” should be used all year round. I also agree with you that the phrase is probably used around Christmas time because of the birth of Jesus. The birth of Jesus is supposed to bring people closer together to celebrate it. I think that if people acted more like they do around Christmas the world would be a more cheerful place.
ReplyDelete-Megan Grimes (160)