Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Juxtaposition 2

I think Dr. Tae has a very well thought out point in his presentation. In the presentation, he talks about how skateboarding is try try again, until you succeed. I believe this is the exact same for writing. I have learned in Rhetoric class that I am not going to get a satisfactory plus on my first try. I have to go back, look and what I did wrong and try to fix it, just like he says about learning a new trick. I also believe that once you succeed, you have to keep practicing. You want to be able to do that trick forever right? Well if you just stop, you might forget how. The same goes for writing, if you just stop writing, you aren't going to be very good when you start again. You may forget the rules, or not be as fluent as you were before.

I think Dr. Tae's target audience would be adults such as parents and teachers. In his presentation he talks about how grades are misused. I believe he is correct in this. I mean, all of my life if I received a C or below in a class, or even on a paper, I was punished by my father. So what do you think I did? Made sure I didn't get a C. That doesn't mean I actually learned anything more though. I think that yes there should be a way of keeping track of a child's progress, but I do not think grades is the right way. Like he says, you get a C, you kind of know the information. So now what? You just move along, how well is that information learned? I think when he says that there is a bigger world out there besides just schools that he makes a really great point. Half the things people learn in their lives are from experience. Think about how much you learn outside of school, all of that information could be just as useful as what you are being forced to learn inside a classroom.

word count 346

1 comment:

  1. Karah, Dr. Tae's presentation was very to the point with his subject. I loved the whole try and try again example he kept bringing up throughout the presentation. I really think that it showed us a great example of how learning something goes. Something that is worth learning will take tons of tries in order to get it down, but then again you have to remember you cant just stop doing it when you get it, or you might lose the ability. I agree that if you dont keep doing it then you might forget. I agree with the whole grading thing as well. I very much so dislike that we just get letter grades. Lets get real, what does this do for us...not much of anything. I also agree with the statement that most people learn from life experiences. I learn more things that will actually help me further myself in life, out of school. Which that sounds kind of bad but its the truth.
