up kicks was a song written by Foster the People who usually sing indie pop or similar
genres. They originated from L.A. and formed in California in the year of 2009,
the band leader Mark Foster was making jingles before the band went global. In
the start of Fosters carry he had many failed attempts are bands and a drug
addiction problem which he shock in his later years. When formulating the song
that brought him to fame “Pumped up kicks.” he took an upbeat tone to the song
but when you hear the lyrics it is very dark. They portray a troubled youth
with parents who do not seem to show much love for him, as days go on he begins
to slowly become psychotic. I think Foster could be trying to shed light on
violence that has been happening in the public, such as the shooting in the
Colorado shooting. I believe the upbeat
feel is for hipsters since they generally like songs that have to do with
feelings but still have a tune they can dance to, often incorporating a
different sound then usual music.
If you
take out the main chorus and just read the in between you start to gather the
reason story. The kid in this story seems to be a country out-cast with a bunch
of hipsters with pumped up kicks, I believe is why he is coming for them because
he has finally snapped and is angry at them for making him an out-cast. When the
song depicts his Dad coming home late and he will be eating frozen food I think
this is a great way of showing how little attention the kid is getting from his
family and that at some point everyone has a breaking point and he reached it
and is going to take it out.
I think
the purpose in Mark Foster creating this song is to bring awareness that we
need to be nice to everyone that we know and that not doing so can make people
violent and even psychotic. Sometimes we do not know what state someone is in
and they may be going through something far more than anything you can
comprehend, we should try out best to be nice to everyone we can because of
this. You may not be the main reason they snapped but contributing to anything
that hurts others is just as bad.
-Ashley Kocanda
Hello Ashley, how are you doing? I agree with many things you said in your post. I think that people should be nice to every body because you never know how a person's home life is and one little thing can put a person in that type of situation over the edge. Do you think that when Mark Foster wrote this song he might of put some of his childhood memories along with it? I don't think you can rule that possibility out because we don't know that much about him. I like the song "Pumped up Kicks" and the beat he chooses but why? If you read on in to the lyrics of the song you know that the words get very dark and they portray a completely different side of the song. It goes from a good upbeat tempo to a gun and shooting someone. It's sad that people can't have a good home life and that they can be pushed to border line psychotic and want to kill someone. I agree that Mark might also be trying to inform people of public situations such as the one in Colorado and innocent people get shot because of someone having a bad life.