When I first heard that we were going to do a blog post about politics, I'm not going to lie. I was scared. I understand it somewhat but I'm definately not an expert at it, and I really didn't think I knew enough to be able to write a post about it and actually sound like I know what I'm talking about either. But once I started looking at different pictures I gained more knowledge about it. Yes, some of them were pretty hard to understand. But some of them were pretty short and sweet, and to the point. Like the one I have chose.
As all of you probably know, the "Donkey" stands for the "Democrats" and the "Elephant" stands for the "Republicans." I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but I do know that much. Looking at this cartoon you could prossibly see it in many different ways, but the way I see it, there is really only one right way to look at it.
First of all, they are running against each other in hurdles otherwise known as a track event. Just like the Republicans and the Democrats run against each other in a "race" for President. This cartoon is saying that the Democrats set low standards for themselves and for the country, which would be why their hurdle is sitting so low to the ground. But, the Republicans set really super high standards for themselves and for the country, which is why their hurdle is way higher up than the Democrats. However, if you notice that the Elephant (Republicans) is trying to jump over their super high hurdle and they knock it over. So in all reality, they are setting higher standards but they aren't achieving them so they really aren't doing anymore or even as much work as the Donkey (Democrats).
The reason I say they aren't doing anymore work is because there are still failing, they didn't successfully jump over the hurdle. So, the Elephant is doing all this extra hard work to jump over their above average hurdle just to get knocked down right back to the same level as the Donkey.
Makayla Stark
Word Count:360
I agree with you that when I first heard we were doing a blog about politics I was scared because I do not care for politics and I would not know what to write about. I also had a hard time finding the meaning of the different political cartoons since I do not know much about politics like you do. I tried to find an image that I at least knew a little about so I had some idea of what to say for my post. Your political image is oppressive because it is saying all democrats have low standards and all republicans have high standards. I agree with you that the meaning of it is that republicans are setting such high standards for themselves that they are having a hard time accomplishing them. I also agree with you that it is showing the upcoming elections where the democrats and republicans are running against each other. I also agree with you that since the republicans have such high standards and they are failing to accomplish them they are being lowered to the democrat’s level. Overall, I think you did a good job analyzing the image and finding the meaning behind it.
ReplyDelete-Megan Grimes (201)
I agree with you, Makayla. That's honestly all I know about the political parties. If you were to ask me anything about politics I wouldn't be able to answer it. I know that the donkey stands for democrat, and the elephant stands for republican. This cartoon does make it seem like the democratic party have very low moral standards, and the republican party has much higher moral standards. I think this oppressive language made the point the author was trying to make. This image clearly makes it seem like the republican party is "better" than the democratic party. I think that by using this image was a better idea than using text. I think you did a good job explaining it.
ReplyDeleteAndra W.