This is a picture that I found to be very interesting to say the least. It's a picture that is bashing on political rhetoric that we most often see today. I find it a little ironic; the artist is using a cartoon to bash other cartoons. When I first saw it I knew that I had to use it. It was just too ingenious for me to pass up! So, because of this, it caught my attention and now here I am blogging about it to share with you!
Politics are always trying to put one over on their competitors and silly little cartoons are one way of doing so. This cartoon was put together very simply, but at the same time I believe that it was pure genius. The picture is a megaphone, stating what political writing puts out there, and a chamber of bullets waiting to be loaded in showing the harm that can be done by putting such silly little things out there for people to see, comment on, and share with friends.
This picture is stating that it's a bad form of getting out information. That those cartoons speak out to people and really affect them in ways that we can not see ourselves. They truly do have an impact on how some people will look at the debates and how it affects the way the voting might go, because there are some people that take little issues to far. I’m sure that there have been many controversies in the past over some of these cartoons that have been let out in the past.
I feel that the artist was trying to state that we need to step back and let the politics do what they need to do. They don’t need to bash each other to get their points across. What they really need to do is start working together to find a common ground. Enough with the word violence that has gone on because one day it will end up going too far and the damage that could be done will be unfixable.
Yes the image is very clear with its oppressive language. Although I do not believe that it is showing what damage is being done because of each party bashing the other one but showing what they are doing and how serious these accusations really are. I do understand where you are coming from with thinking that it shows what these cartoons are doing to each party. When a party puts out a piece of propaganda that bashes the other, the bullets show that those commercials are very believable and can make people believe that the other party is scandalous and they should not vote for them. But then you can get the propaganda that makes a party look better.