Oppression can some in many forms, for many different reasons,
and from many different types of people. At a recent UN conference, Iranian
President Ahmadinejad was confronted about Iran's alleged nuclear program.
The nation's president again asserted that the program was only being used for
uranium enrichment, which would then be used for electricity production, and
then avoided the issue entirely and mainly spoke on foreign affairs, policies, economical
and international issues, and security. Shortly thereafter, the president
made the following set of statements:
-"The pretext (Holocaust) for the creation of the
Zionist regime (Israel) is false ... It is a lie based on an improvable and
mythical claim," (told to worshippers at Tehran University at the end of an
annual anti-Israel "Qods (Jerusalem) Day" rally) (**)
-"Confronting the Zionist regime is a national and
religious duty."(**)
-"This regime (Israel) will not last long. Do not tie
your fate to it ... This regime has no future. Its life has come to an
end," he said in a speech broadcast live on state radio. (** )
These statements are oppressive, not to mention extremely
insensitive and offensive, to the world's Jewish population. Denying the
existence of a major and traumatic event in the history of an entire people is
cruel and unjustified, and will quickly burn many bridges. Germany called
Ahmadinejad a disgrace, and White House spokesmen said that the comment only
serves to "further isolate Iran from the rest of the world." And I
totally agree with that. Ahmadinejad made an unnecessary and
offensive comment to promote his own goals, and that served no other purpose
than to offend people and make a vain attempt at garnering support through
those few countries that have it out for Israel.
The leader of Iranian-backed Hezbollah went on to say
""Our belief and creed ... remain that Israel is an illegal entity, a
cancerous tumor, that must cease to exist," Nasrallah said in a televised
address." (** ).
The language and implication used and made in this statement alone shows the
amount of Anti-Semitism present in Iran and affiliated countries. This is
also partly why there is large concern over Iran's nuclear program, because
these harsh statements were also made partly to distract from Iran’s true goals
with the program.
**All statements with a (**) following it are cited from (http://www.reuters.com/article/2009/09/18/us-iran-idUSTRE58H17S20090918 )
(391 words)
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