Coming to college is an exciting and even slightly scary thing for everyone. Well, I'm the first one in my family to go, so I had no background or advice really, except my brother. To be honest, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed my first day with no books due to financial aid processing taking longer than they thought, then having homework in Math, and then I get to Rhetoric that first day. First thing I discover is I have to write a paper about the article "TV's Negative Influence On Kids Reaffirmed" by Jeremy M. McCall. I was definitely not ready to write a paper on the first day of class. Then the class receives a letter about how this essay will guarantee our placement in 101. I was slightly shocked, and even more overwhelmed. I went home right after that class and slept for a good two hours. My day had been exhausting! I didn't even look at the article until the next morning. Even when I finally looked at the article, I was still in a small sense of panic. This essay determined my placement in Rhetoric. I worried that I would do horribly and have to drop to a lower class. I honestly do not like to write at all. The thought of writing a paper just makes my stomach clench. It doesn't help that I'm not confident when I write. I've often been told that I'm a great writer, but I still hated the process either way.
I only read the article once. But when I did, I felt a better sense of confidence since I was actually very familiar with the subject. My nephew is not allowed to watch certain programs or play certain video games due to the content because he has a tendency to get violent after. Even when he is just playing. I often babysit my nephew, so I am also involved with the process of making sure he isn't watching anything too violent. I knew my position right away, but it was the summary that made me nervous. I wanted to use a wider vocabulary, but my mind kept going blank and I would immediately get unfocused. I feel as though I word things incorrectly or in a weird way. I can still understand what it is I wrote, but I don't feel confident that it sounds correctly. Either way, I still tried my best. I felt pretty well about what I had written. However, if I could rewrite the paper, I would change my whole writing process in order to keep my self more focused. Less distractions, and a better thesaurus!
Amanda W.
Hey Amanda, trust me, I didn't pick this one to comment on just because it was on the top of the blog, I swear! Actually, I read this, and it looked interesting, like something I could give feedback on. I felt the same way as you did when we got the assignment. I didn't feel like starting off with an essay already. I especially wasn't thrilled about the idea that it could potentially get me kicked out of the class! I guess that is exaggerated a little, but that is how I felt. Also, a lot like you said you were, I am a good writer; that does not necessarily mean I like it! I am really not crazy about the whole writing process. But I guess I have always found the hardest part to be starting the paper. As for the side you chose, to agree with McCall, I have to say I agreed to, for almost the same reason. I have younger siblings, and I have seen the affect of TV on them.
ReplyDeleteI guess my only problem, in the end, was my title page. I know it seems stupid, but for some reason I couldn't help but obsess over the title page. What should it look like? Should I have one? It was pretty petty, but hey, it was my way of venting nervousness!
Well I would believe you are a good writer. Plus, vocabulary is a trivial thing to worry about. A few more weeks of this class, and I'm sure you will be too busy to worry about that! But after all, you are still in the class. So it's safe to assume you are good enough for it.
-Drew Corbin
I guess you are right. Considering I'm still here, I must be at least adequate. It was very interesting to write on this article for me. Since I am involved in the monitoring process for my nephew, it definitely brings a brighter sense of understanding with this topic. I, unlike you, don't have younger siblings though. So I'm sure it's slightly different for you being the older sibling. It definitely affected my position being apart of the decision process to what he can play or watch. Did it do the same for you?