Friday, September 14, 2012

Obama e-mail

It's Time for elections once again. This means our phones will be blowing up, news papers will be flooded with politics, and random e-mails will be sent out persuading us to vote for the next president. One e-mail that Mrs. Jarmer, our teacher, received was supposedly written by President Obama and specifically asked for three dollars to help out with his campaign, and stated nothing but that. It was very simple, straight forward and to the point. To me, this was not very professional and it seemed very unlikely that Barak Obama would’ve written this. I would never trust an e-mail that was so poorly written as this one was. If they really wanted to earn money then more time and care should've been put into this e-mail. I believe it would've caught more people’s attention and they could've gotten more donations by doing so.
I really couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that the e-mail was written as if they had been friends for their whole lives. He did not introduce himself and ended the e-mail with Barak. I do not think this was the right strategy to use when approaching his voters. There is no way that I would take that e-mail seriously. Especially when asking for money. It comes off cheesy and dumb to put it blankly. Something more formal would have been more believable, because this was not the way he would’ve introduced himself to a complete stranger out on the street. He would shake their hands and formally introduce himself to his voters in a respectful way, just as he should, because if it wasn’t for them he wouldn’t even be where he is now. The e-mail should’ve been taken more seriously and taken an approach that would really impress the readers
Ultimately the e-mail should’ve contained more detail. It needed to state what the money would be used for that was donated and really needed to show Obama’s side in the debates to help get readers attracted to the e-mail and get them to feel the need to help out. This e-mail really lacked in many fields and needed a lot of work.   


  1. I agree with you and what you've said about the email. To me it was very sketchy and if I would have got the email myself I would have marked it as spam. Coming from the president of the united states i expect a little more than that. And donate to what cause? It doesnt even say. No ones going to donate their own money when it doesnt even say to what cause. No one just gives their hard working money away. If im going to donate to anything I want to know everything about it. What the name of the cause is, what the money is going towards and who is going benefit from it. I dont belive that the president was the one who wrote the email to begin with. I'm sure it was one of his staff memebers that actually wrote it and if it was he should probably not be assigned that task anymore.All in all i thought the email was very unprofessional and ill written hopefully they learned something out of this.

  2. I completely understand where you're coming from with all of the phone calls and media about election time. All of the politics taking over everywhere you go is just flat out annoying. Yes I understand the importance of it, but really sometimes its a little much. I agree this random email from the president is very short and says nothing about what the money is for and where it is going. If they really wanted to get money out of this email they would've put more time and energy into it. I think its kind of funny that this email is written as if they were friends for a long while. It would be one thing if they had ever talked but for someone not knowing the other you would think it would be more formal than this.I cant believe that he put Barack at the end. Its crazy that he is so unformal in this email. I would not take this emial seriously either. This email really needs alot of work to be able to get anything out of it. If this email contained more detail it could have been way more effective. I would not give threee dollars to this email.
