If the bottom of the ad is tough to read, it says, "Vicks NyQuil. The nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine." This ad would fit into Maslow's level of physiological needs. Since Nyquil helps people who are sick sleep, it would fit into that category. The creator of the ad wants consumers to realize that using this product will eliminate many problems that can lead to bad sleep. To make the ad more effective, the creator uses Vince Wilfork, a professional NFL lineman. This is effective because it makes people want to be like a professional athlete and use the same products that they do. Also, if the product can help a big football player like himself, then surely it will work on the average human being. People will want to buy this product because they simply want to sleep better. Whether it is when people just cannot sleep or when they have some of the other problems listed, they are drawn to buying the product to sleep better.
Since this product is meeting someone's physiological needs, it is even more effective. If a person meets his or her physiological needs, then they can pursue their other needs on Maslow's pyramid. If people sleep well, they have a better outlook on life. They feel re-energized for the next day's tasks. Personally, when I am sick or simply cannot sleep, the first thing I turn to is NyQuil. I know it works well with me, and that I can expect to sleep well. I feel like NyQuil has kind of built up a reputation with their ads and their quality product. A lot of people I know choose NyQuil when they need something to help them sleep. Overall, I think this is very effective. Using a professional athlete, or any celebrity seems to make ads more appealing to audiences. Also, the product meets the first level of needs people need to meet before they can go to the next level according to Maslow.
David Sacre
(340 words)
The advertismet ad that you chose on nyquil is a good ad to write about. I agree with you that it can fall under the physiological group on the maslow pyramid. The ad states it helps with sneezing, coughing, aching, fever and best sleep like you said it could fit under physiological group because the medicine helps you sleep. I honestly think it would fit best under the Safety group. the safety group category says security of body, employment,resources, morality, the family, health, and property. I think it fits best under this category because nyquil has a lot to do with your health, and family, and the security of body. The ad on Nyquil to me is advertising a medicine that will help you sleep if you're having any of the symptoms listed on the ad. The ad shows a guy who is passed out with a kleenex in his hand. The picture shows that the medicine can most definitely work.
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