Anytime you are watching television, at some point during the show you will come across an advertisement. Advertising is everywhere we go. For this post, I chose the DirectTV commerical called, "Don't Wake Up in a Roadside Ditch." I picked this commercial because it's a good example of rhetoric advertising in a couple of different ways. The commercial explains what could possibly happend if you continue to use cable. In this case, the commercial starts out with a man getting angry when his cable company keeps putting him on hold. Once he starts to get angry, a series of bad, yet strange, events start to happend to him. Eventually, this leads him to end up in a roadside ditch. Even though this situation is over exaggerated, the message from the commercial sticks out to the audience because of commercial's humor and entertainment. This type of commercial is more towards an audience that has cable instead of DirectTV because they are explaining how DirectTV is not stressful, unlike cable.
Another rhetorical situation that fits well into this commercial is the purpose of the advertisment, which is to switch from cable to DirectTV. DirectTV has one main reason why they create commercials for their business; they want more customers, which means more money. I believe that the DirectTV commercials successfully had entertainment towards their audience because of how humerous they are. Since the commercials are humerous and eye catching, this can easily drawl in more customers to buy their product, which is the whole purpose in advertising. One of the reasons why the author used this type of style in the advertisement is so that they could show the frustration cable has. Maybe not everyone gets frustrated with cable, but to those that do can easily connect with the commercial, without the over exaggerated events. Overall, I think the author of the DirectTV's commercial successfully advertised their product towards their audience.
Emily Shouse
(319 words).
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