So I've decided to write about the DirectTV commercial "Don't sell your hair to a wig shop." The commercials have almost nothing in common, other than the narrator's voice, an insane amount of ridiculousness, and the general theme of "cable bad, DirectTV good." The means by which these commercials go about getting this message across is funny the first time around, but I personally find them a little annoying the 100th time viewing them, and as the audience in the situation (and a prospective customer) annoyance is not a good feeling to have toward the company. I do realize, however, that those feelings of annoyance might pertain only to me, and other people might enjoy these commercials.
Using humor is a great marketing tactic, however. An ad/commercial/slogan that makes people laugh might me more memorable than one that bores people half to death. These commercials use an overgeneralized statement (cable is bad) and explain why using a series of ridiculously improbable and outlandish if/then statements. In this particular commercial, watching cable can lead to depression, self-help seminars, Vegas, bankruptcy, and hairless-ness. We laugh at these commercials, they entertain us, and we think about DirectTV and the possibility of "hey, maybe I should try this out." These commercials are definitely unique, and when you think of any of the phrases coined by the commercials, you automatically think of DirectTV. It really is good marketing in my opinion, other than the annoyance level.
(241 words)
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