We see workplace rhetoric almost everywhere we go. Anytime you are in a library or study area, a sign like this will most likely appear in there. The image above describes how the library is a quiet study area, and if you need to work in a group you should go to the second floor. The first sentence in this photo is very bold and has a bigger font, which means that it is very emphasized. This particular picture successfully shows workplace rhetoric in acouple of different ways. One of the ways this image shows work place rhetoric is that it successfully connects with the stakeholders. The stakeholders mostly consist of young and older students that are in school and need to study. For that type of audience to read this sign, they are then aware of how they need to be consederate for other students studying, and that they needed to remain quiet in that general area. Overall, this particular image is very clear and successfully gets it's image across to the stakeholders.
This particular sign in a quiet enviroment is very important to have. I think one of the things we can improve on this artifact is to improve the image quality so that it will stick out more. Maybe changing the text color to a more bold, eye catching color. Other than that, I believe that this sign is a good example of workplace rhetoric and has a successful effect to it. The purpose out of this workplace rhetoric piece is clearly stated in the image. The artifact clearly states why you should be quiet in that certain area of the building, which is because students are in there studying. Even if you are working with a group, the text clearly states where you all can go to study. This image also successfully reaches out to the stakeholders. Once the audience see's this image, they will automatically know that they need to be quiet for the respect of others studying, but overall I think that this artifact doesn't need any more improving.
Emily Shouse
(346 words)
Many students complain about their surroundings being too busy so they often seek quiet places to concentrate on their current studies in school. There are also students who do better by working in groups with other people and obstruct those who do not like working with others. This sign is a great way of identifying what the student should do in the area they are in since they may not know it is a quiet study area. Often we do not even notice we are being loud till we are reminded by a teacher or a piece of Rhetoric, then we correct what we were doing wrong. Not only does it give then student it options, it also gives them directions which they can follow to the place they need to go to. I think they should have enlarged the paper itself so that others can see it. Placing it in different places around the room would help as well so that people have more of a likely chance of seeing the piece of Rhetoric. I do think for this piece of Rhetoric to work the person reading it has to have a particular respect for the environment they are entering into.
-Ashley Kocanda
Studying is definitely stressful. I myself cannot hear myself think if I hear other people talking because I get so focused at what they are saying, it takes away from what I have going on in my own mind. If I were to see this sign, I would definitely think of a library and people who are trying to get away from the loud daily routines and places they are used to and try to get some work done. The sign should be placed in multiple parts of the area so more students have access to view the piece of Rhetoric. It shows a clear understanding of where one should go if they are in a group or so. I also feel the sign should have variety of color to emphasize the “Quiet place” and where they should go if they are in a group. Anyone who has ever been in a library or a place of work will definitely respect and follow this rhetoric sign.
ReplyDeletePriyanka Bhakta