Walking through the classrooms in Westville High school, you’llnotice that the teachers’ presence and personality can definitely be felt ineach room, so each room is not at all like the next. There are very fewsimilarities, and they are a TV, a flag, and this poster/sign here. These “TopTen Rules” are supposed to be enforced 100% of the time, with threat ofdetention, yet what is funny is that these 10 rules are the top 10 most broken,both by the students and by the teachers! So, these flyers are obviously notvery effective. The rules are posted, but not enforced, and are seen beingbroken by the people who are supposed to enforce them (especially the nositting on desks/heat vents- I personally break that one every day I’m in theschool building, and I see adults do it all the time). There really isn't muchto do when our authoritative figures aren't even abiding by the rules. Thestakeholders, aka the teachers and administration, hate these rules as much aswe do, so not only are they not benefiting from them, they’re benefiting fromdoing the exact opposite- breaking them themselves.
Because the presence of these rules is not really felt,there isn't much complaining done about them. As I've already said twice, theonly rules that ever get enforced are no sitting on desks and no sleeping, andonly the stickler teachers call you out for the desk thing. Other than that,those signs could be totally removed one day and we’d probably not even notice.I honestly could not even tell you what the other 8 rules are without lookingat a copy of this paper. As far as participatory design goes, we don’t carethat badly and neither do the teachers, but if these rules are sticking aroundand are going to be enforced, the first step to improvement would be for theteachers to start following the rules themselves. Other than that, these rulesare a lost cause. We can just stick the ones we want to keep in the front pageof the handbook, and stop wasting paper on these useless wall ornaments.
(365 words)
Well I already know these rules since I go to school there but if i was an actual shadow reader I would think that these rules are kind of obvious and sort of for elementary kids. On the other hand it creates a good enviroment for the students and teachers because they know what they can and can't do which is good so it makes it easier for classes to go on. The stakeholders I think were viewed as employees almost because they give you these guidelines for you to follow, so if you do after that all you have to worry about is doing your work. I don't think with this piece of artifact they really need to be aware about shadow readers because these rules for the most part apply to just the students. This is an effective piece of rhetoric by it shows exactly what is allowed and what isn't so it should make things flow easy.
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After reading this sign and getting the understanding that even the teachers do not follow these rules, I think that the sign is not being inforced corretly. It is a good idea to have the sign in the class rooms to provide the students the knowlege of what they can do and what they can not do. This sign would have a bigger impact on the students if the teachers were to enforce the rules and not break them themselves. In the case of the teachers not following the rules, I believe someone should go to the authority that is higher then the teachers at the school and have the teachers corrected. Just because the teachers do not obey the sign it does not make it ok for the students to disobey the rules. Even though it is the teachers responsibility to set a good example for their students to follow, the students have to make their own decision to follow or not follow the rules that are in place for them.From my point of view and what I have already written this is not a very effective piece of rhetoric.
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