As John Knight roamed through Chicago’s
back alleys he took in all that was around him. The horrendous smell of the
waste that was strewn about and the cardboard boxes one might find a homeless
man in; the poor lighting and musty mist that rose from the man-hole covers that
smelt like fecal matter. He felt at home. This was the same city he grew up in
and the only thing that had changed was that the bad neighborhoods only
expanded and the politicians were more corrupt. It was a city that helped
shaped him into the man that he was to this day, that is, until his son was
more recently born.
His son’s birth proved to be more of a
life changing experience than he thought. He had yet to even hold his son and
yet he felt as if he had never loved another more. With his son and wife
waiting upon his return John decided to do his job as fast as he could. He was
an assassin.
His task for this particular night was
to eliminate one of the few non-corrupt politicians left in the town and kill
any who saw him. So he started to make his way to the hotel he was staying at
nearby. With a little persuasion John was able to convince the front desk clerk
to tell him what room the politician was staying at. John then took the
elevator up to his room. Luckily for John a waiter happened to be in the
elevator with him and on his way to the same room, so John promptly knocked him
out and put on his clothes. He finished just in time as the doors opened and
swiftly left the elevator before anyone noticed the man in his underwear he had
left alone in the elevator. John hurried to the room, but was surprised to find
how easy this particular job was. He knocked on the door and was promptly
allowed in, however the politician was nowhere to be seen. John pulled out his
gun and checked the rooms. He had checked everywhere and the politician wasn’t
there. Just as he was about to leave the bed room he heard some people coming
inside so he hid in the closet. No sooner had he shut the door when the bedroom
door burst open and a young boy came running through. This shocked John and he
hoped that he hadn’t stupidly come to the wrong room. He was relieved when he
noticed the politician came in.
was about to pull the trigger and finish the job so he could return to his wife
in son. It was precisely at this moment when he noticed the politician’s face.
It was the same expression he wore when he had heard about his son’s birth.
John realized that he would never be able to take away this man’s life. So john
waited until they were all asleep and then made his exit.
This was the first job he hadn’t completed since he was married. He knew the consequences to what he had done. It was three strikes and you’re out. This was his third. He knew that when his boss called him for confirmation of the kill he would be found out. Just as he was thinking this his phone rang. His heart skipped a beat until he realized that it was his wife’s number. He answered and on the other line he heard his boss’s voice. This filled his body with dread and fear for what was about to happen. His boss went by the name of Mr. King and was known to punish those who betrayed him severely, and unfortunately for John an uncompleted job was considered a betrayal. Mr. King told him that he wanted to hear about what had happened face to face and to meet him at an airport hangar. John agreed and sped towards the location as fast as he could. When he arrived Mr. King and John’s family were already there waiting for him. When he arrived he found there was a table set up and they were eating an expensive meal with his son in a crib next to the table. John walked over to see his son for the first time when his boss told him to sit. As he was sitting John took notice of the several armed gunmen around the hanger and plane. The conversation that followed was awkward and drawn out. In the end John’s boss agreed to let them go if John was willing to never seek work with them again. As John and his wife began to rise from the table, the gunmen opened fire. John was shot in the shoulder and was instantly brought to the ground. His wife wasn’t so lucky. She was riddled with bullets while trying to shield their son. John saw his wife fall over the crib and it filled his body with rage. He brought out his gun and quickly dispatched four of the gunmen. The remaining two guarded the boss as he was getting on the plain. John fired at his boss, but the pain in his shoulder threw off his aim just enough to miss. His boss turned around and just smiled. The plain then went out of the hangar and John was powerless to stop it. He walked over to his fallen wife and began to weep.
This was the first job he hadn’t completed since he was married. He knew the consequences to what he had done. It was three strikes and you’re out. This was his third. He knew that when his boss called him for confirmation of the kill he would be found out. Just as he was thinking this his phone rang. His heart skipped a beat until he realized that it was his wife’s number. He answered and on the other line he heard his boss’s voice. This filled his body with dread and fear for what was about to happen. His boss went by the name of Mr. King and was known to punish those who betrayed him severely, and unfortunately for John an uncompleted job was considered a betrayal. Mr. King told him that he wanted to hear about what had happened face to face and to meet him at an airport hangar. John agreed and sped towards the location as fast as he could. When he arrived Mr. King and John’s family were already there waiting for him. When he arrived he found there was a table set up and they were eating an expensive meal with his son in a crib next to the table. John walked over to see his son for the first time when his boss told him to sit. As he was sitting John took notice of the several armed gunmen around the hanger and plane. The conversation that followed was awkward and drawn out. In the end John’s boss agreed to let them go if John was willing to never seek work with them again. As John and his wife began to rise from the table, the gunmen opened fire. John was shot in the shoulder and was instantly brought to the ground. His wife wasn’t so lucky. She was riddled with bullets while trying to shield their son. John saw his wife fall over the crib and it filled his body with rage. He brought out his gun and quickly dispatched four of the gunmen. The remaining two guarded the boss as he was getting on the plain. John fired at his boss, but the pain in his shoulder threw off his aim just enough to miss. His boss turned around and just smiled. The plain then went out of the hangar and John was powerless to stop it. He walked over to his fallen wife and began to weep.
John then heard a noise. He gingerly
moved his wife’s body and saw that his son still remained alive. He picked him
up and held him. As he was holding him John noticed something. A bullet had
grazed his son’s arm and he was bleeding. His son looked pale and John feared
he had lost too much blood. He rushed to the emergency room and gave them his
son, but alas, he was too late. The first time he held his son would also be
his last.
With the loss of his wife and son
John didn’t know what to do. He went from bar to bar mourning. When he was at
one of the bars he met one of his former colleges. His name was Luke Bishop. He
was a rather tall and slender man who specialized in long range assassinations.
After talking with him awhile he learned that several former assassins were
treated the same way he was. They decided to join together to take down the man
that had caused them so much pain.
Many months went by and they soon had a
formidable force as well as a plan by which to accomplish their goals. A few of
them still had friends in the business and had been keeping tabs as to what
their former employer had been up to. They decided to strike upon his return to
his mansion he had built in South Dakota. With that they began.
John and few others infiltrated the
building disguised as servants who worked in the three story mansion. Meanwhile
Luke and two others were set up at strategic positions in the country side that
surrounded the mansion to see if they would be able to take him out with
minimal effort. Just as everyone took their places, the limo with Mr. King
pulled up. Bishop was the only one with the proper vantage point that could’ve
possibly hit him. Even so it would be a tricky shot to make. Luke’s vision was obscured
by some shrubbery next to the house and the wind was starting to pick up. Luke
knew that if he was to make it that it was now or never. He took the shot. Mr.
King was down and bleeding from his head. They all thought they had finally
killed the one responsible for so many deaths. It was at the point that they
all started to relax when Mr. King got up. The shot had been fired when Mr.
King was turning his head and the bullet only grazed his nose causing it to
bleed. As Mr. King was getting up he was hurriedly escorted to his mansion by
his bodyguards. Luke had his chance and he blew it. He only made John’s job
After the assassination attempt, Mr.
King was escorted to a panic room that was prepared for an occasion such as
this. It was a room that was fifteen feet by fifteen feet on the inside and the
walls were five feet of concrete with the surface being two inches of steel.
The room was air tight except for a small pipe that contained all the wiring
and plumbing for the room. The room itself contains a small fridge and a
separate small room that contains a bathroom. It also had enough food and water
to survive in it for three weeks including Mr. King and two other persons.
Getting into the panic room would prove to be nearly impossible, but luckily
John had a plan for this.

Inside the panic room Mr. King noticed
the air was starting to feel a little bit different, but decided it wasn’t that
big of an issue and continued to go to the bathroom in peace. After several
minutes had passed Mr. King felt light headed and dizzy. He tried to stand up,
but both of his legs had fallen asleep from being on the toilet to long. Soon
he could no longer stay conscious and passed out. Mr. King had died due to lack
of oxygen along with both of his body guards in the room. With that the King
had fallen and Knight and Bishop lived the rest of their days in peace.
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