My advertisement ad Is the iphone. I chose to do my blog post on an iphone because you see and hear
about it everywhere. You hear about it on the news, commercials, radio, stores and etcetera. The
iphone is a very popular source of technology. There are millions of people who depend on their iphone for everything. Like what would our world do without technology? This advertisment to me is stating the iphone is an abslolute touch, meaning if you don't have an iphone you need to get one now. The advertiesment is stating having an iphone is a must!
The level of Maslow's Hierarchy for the iphone best fits the self-actualization. The Ad of the image is trying to convince you to buy the iphone. The image shows all the features on the phone. Everyone one way or another has heard of the iphone and is willing to pay hundreds of dollars to purchase one of their own. The creator of the ad is trying to convince people that the iphone is a huge catch. The creator is trying to send a message to everyone to buy the phone. The target audience of this particular item is to anyone in the world whether they are young or old. The phone shows all its features on the screen it catched the audeince attention. The phone is a black rectangular shape piece. The iphone is a top selling product. The phone has a lot of features that a computere has. The phone in this ad is trying to catch people attention by showing the feature and and saying its an absloute touch.
Megan H
The iPhone really is everywhere now. I even have one myself and I love it. I wouldn’t trade this phone for any other one. It truly is remarkable and can do just about anything that you want it to do, especially with Siri. It really has opened up a lot of doors and I think the advertisement is doing just what you say it is. It’s saying to get in touch with the future and what’s going on now.
ReplyDeleteI think that this add could also fall under Maslow’s category of love/belonging. Any kind of phone is a way of communication. With the iPhone the door really gets opened up! We can now text, facebook, tweet, and post pictures through instagram just by downloading a few apps. It’s a way of communication with family and friends in a new way! I mean, let’s be real here, No one hardly ever has an actual phone conversation with each other anymore. It’s all done through the internet now and the iPhone is just one way of being able to help us out!
Word count-180
I Agree the iPhone is great but seeig this add does not make me want to purchase it. I had a android and could literally so almost everything on it like the iPhone can Actually I'm writing this blog from my iPhone and its messing up a lot a not letting me type anything out. I agree the self actualization fits this advertising very well. The thing with the iPhone is with all this great advertising it makes people think its so mug better than what it actually is so instead of paying around $200 for a different smart phone people have made the decision to spend around $500 on this amazing phone that's actually not that great. Though having Siri to help out might be great I do t think its worth spending so much money on but to each his own.