Wednesday, October 17, 2012

This picture is a piece of work rhetoric that I see in my work place at Mikes Grill, every time I go into work. This sign that is posted on our door is for us workers to know that cell phones are not allowed while working. I believe that this sign serves its purpose pretty well. Honestly if this sign was not up and every where around my work place, I would probably just leave my phone on me at all times. The stakeholders(workers) are made fully aware that phones are not acceptable in the work place. I think the placement of this sign is very perfect. This sign is placed in quite a few places at Mikes Grill. This sign is placed on our back door, in our curb shack, and also by the register. So the stakeholders(workers) are able to see the rules pretty clearly throughout the whole restaurant.
I really do not see that there could be much improvement in this sign.The sign before us is very informative and really tells all it desires to tell. The sign really gets its point across fairly well. The sign is very clear and to the point that cell phones should not be on you while in the work place. I believe my boss did a very good job at how she made the sign by underlining and having it in all caps. She also incorporated an eye catching font so that you will for sure take notice of the sign. I believe the sign comes off very well and will be followed. If it is unfollowed for any reason those people are very idiotic. I would not disobey that sign, because the ending sentence defiantly makes it look like these people mean business. There is no way that this sign could enforce this rule anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this sign. When I saw this picture I was cracking up. I like the fact that this sign is in more than one place, it helps get the point across to all the employees. They could improve this sign by decorating it more, or making it more flashy. I don't know why people would have their phone while at work anyways, but these signs clearly get the point across that you shouldn't have your cell phone on you while you're working. I work in a preschool, so if people at my work were to be on their phones, we could miss a lot of things. I can't say that I would have thought to make signs like that. I think that All work places should have signs like this clearly displayed for all workers to see. Although, if this was printed on brightly colored paper with more noticeable decorations, it would be even more noticeable.

    Andra W.
    (word count 160)
