Friday, November 16, 2012

I totally agree with you. Dr. Tae definitely knew what he was doing when he gave this lesson/lecture/demonstration thing. He knew how to relate to students using a common interest, and he used that common interest to make a semi-difficult topic easy to understand. His choice of example was stellar too. Skateboarding truly is a teach-it-yourself activity. There are no teachers, no "middle" grades, and the ground doesn't get any softer when you fall just because you "tried really really hard." Honestly, this lesson has a lot to do with life. Life isn't fair. When we fail, we fail, there is no middle ground. And we don't succeed or fail any more or less because of our efforts- we either do it, or we don't. We don't have someone to sit by us and hold our hands and help us through everything step by step. Either we teach ourselves or we fall behind the curve. The lessons taught by Dr. Tae is his lecture-thing are lessons that everyone could learn and apply. He did an amazing job and I believe you analyzed his speech very well.

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