Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This week we were asked to view a video of Dr. Tae’s presentation. Although he wasn’t the best speaker in the world I rather enjoyed this presentation. It was very interesting to watch and see the examples that he used to help support his statements. His statements were also very clever and very well thought out. The remote for instance was something that really caught my attention in a positive way. Anyone that uses props during a speech gets major points from me. It really grabs my attention and makes me pay attention to them to figure out what it is that they are trying to do rather then sitting there trying to force myself and listen to their thoughts on an issue. He also did very well at adding in visuals which always makes things easier for me to understand and it made it easier for me to relate his two topics.

It was also really neat how he was able to take skateboarding; a sport that not very many people do or understand, and make us more aware of the hard work that actually goes into what they do. He also demonstrated how those situations can relate back to real life situations and the school environment as well. I believe that we could all take something from his presentation. Whether we learned to never give up on something that we are working towards or that we need to learn how to widen the horizon of what we choose to see. One thing that everyone really needs to understand from his speech though is that failure really is ok. It’s natural and it’s expected of us. It’s something that happens a lot more often then succeeding actually. If we didn’t have failure then what would we really be working towards?  

1 comment:

  1. The presentation that Dr Tae put on was a great way to get his point acrossed. I agree with you when you say he wasn't the best speaker. He talked a lot with his hands! over all the way he presented him self I thought was pretty good. The exampled he used was relatable to a lot of people, that being said it is easier for them to comprehend what he is trying to say. I also agree with you that his statement were very clever and thought out. I honestly think anyone who uses a sport as an example is going to catch a lot of peoples attention. almost everyone has a favorite sport whether they play one or watch it. Dr. Tae using skateboarding as an example was a great idea pretty much stating to never give up to keep working hard until you accomplish that trick. That's a great example when it comes to school work and real life. You have to work at something to become successful its not going to be handed to you.

