Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Introducing Drew

Hey everyone, My name is Drew Corbin. I am a 2012 graduate of Armstrong High School, a tiny school in the cornfields of Vermilion County, for those of you who don't know. Being only 17 years old, I am sure I am one of the youngest students at DACC, but perhaps not quite the youngest. I am majoring in Political Science, and I am planning to get my Law degree after seven more years of school, starting about a week and a half ago. I am an ambitious  future politician. I enjoy challenges; they keep me busy, and keep me motivated. I can still be lazy, though. My number one goal for the class I am writing this blog for (ENG 101) is to get me in writing shape. In other words, I want to be able to write with ease, in spite of a demanding amount of speed, quality, and quantity. As a Law major, I have to plan on writing a lot. In a way, this is my  most important Gen. Ed. class that I am taking. It is serving as a practice tool for the real deal. As for the blog, I kind of like the idea. I'm a new blogger, but from what I can tell, it is a lot like Facebook; however, the blog is for a more exclusive group, and is composed of  a lot better material than most Facebook statuses. I wouldn't know how it compares to Twitter; I don't have a Twitter account. Anyway, I hope everyone else finds this blog enjoyable. If anyone want's to talk politics, I'm your guy!


  1. Well hi Drew. I’m sure that at least this semester we’ll have fun talking during class with all that we have in common. Well it’s nice to know that I’m not the only huge Harry Potter fan. Out of curiosity, who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? What made you chose political science as a major? I know what it’s like to be from a small town and have such a small class. It’s kind of weird at DACC because it just feels like a big high school huh? Well I’ll see you in class on Wednesday. I hope that you enjoy your weekend. I’m not sure what else to say.

  2. It's actually kind of funny how much we have in common. I'll be 17 when I start college, because I'm the youngest in my class (I just turned 16 this past August 17th). So I know how you feel with the whole "Everyone else is old" thing. And I've considered getting a law degree, becoming a lawyer, then moving on to become a politician. That's only one option though- I've also considered becoming a doctor or a high school math/English teacher, so I don't really know what I want to do yet. I still don't quite understand how Potomac and Armstrong's schools work, but my grandparents are from Potomac and my grandmother worked at the school they lived next to, and I thought that both towns attended the school, but like I said, I never really understood how all that worked so I'm not sure. And Drew and Baylea, don't worry, I LOVE Harry Potter too.

  3. Hey whats up Drew? I was 17 when I registered for my classes at DACC but turned 18 just a few days before school started. I also have a friend who is majoring in political science and he loves it. That's pretty brave to dive right into the amount of schooling you want to do, I don't think I would want to do it, but you will be very successful one day if you stick to it. I never knew you were so much into politics. I have been to Armstrong once and I must admit it is a very small town, but so is Oakwood. Well, I hope you enjoy your 3 days weekend, see you around DACC.

  4. Hey Drew, I know how you feel about being young I was only 17 when I graduated highschool.I aslo come from a small town of only 300 people. As for the writing a lot of assignments,I know exactly how you feel because I will have to write quite a bit because my field is radiology. We both have to say that this class is going to be one of the most helpful classes we take because writing is very important in the fields we are taking. I know you will do a great job in this class, and I just want to say stay with your field because the hard work you do will pay off in the end.
