Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Barack Obama email.

                It is time again for the political ads to begin and the traditional bashing over the air waves to overtake our screens but there is a difference now from our parents’ generation. We now live in an age where the Internet is more essential to an election than Television. There is no doubt that Obama’s usage of the Internet certainly gained the youth of our nations vote over the Republicans. Obama’s campaign committee is yet again holding to what served them well in previous elections keeping the younger generation in their favor and giving a feeling that there candidate is an everyday relatable kind of guy. This email is a good representation of some campaign manager trying to show Obama in a very personal light. An email in general has a personal feel, someone has sat and taken the time to type this out to me, I must be special! The email goes even further to call you there ‘Friend’ and sign it with his first name ‘Barack’.  After I got over all the excitement of finding out Ms. Jarmer was on a first name basis with the president I started to find it humorous that he wanted 3 dollars from the public when he raised more than $650 million dollars in private funds alone in the 2008 election.
 Yes, those 3 dollars are going to win his election or maybe just pay for his morning coffee.  Setting such a low amount of money just makes the email out right ridiculous and phony. A higher number such as 25 or maybe up to 75 dollars would have made it reasonable that the President really did need funds and that his campaign managers are not just trying to send subliminal messages and get his name back circulating through the community to gain votes. A much more formal way of speaking would have been more appropriate for this email as well, putting something like “Your President is calling you for support once again.” Not only brings a sense of duty so what you are doing but is giving the President some respect by not calling him by his first or even last name. Lastly it would have been a better idea for them to sign it Barack Obama’s campaign management instead of the reader thinking it was Barak Obama who wrote the email since Americans give a stigma to President that they often do non-useful things while in Presidential office, like sending out a campaign message while he should be focusing on the economy or health care.
                -Ashley K.
Words 420.

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