Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rhetorical Situations

 Entering rhet class for the first time about two weeks ago, I was most definitely not expecting to have to write a paper the first day. And this was not just any paper, this paper decided my fate on which English class I would be taking. This paper was pretty much do, or die. And Honestly I really wanted to make a good impression on Ms. Jarmer. I've always done pretty well, when it came down to grammar and writing, and I want this to stay with me throughout the rest of my education. The article we had to talk about in our paper was called "TV's Negative Influence on Kids Reaffirmed" by Jeffrey M. McCall. I read this article a few times, and then I was ready to begin. I had to read it a few times to catch everything that was included, and to make sure i grasped every little bit of it. Something that I struggled with was the whole thesis thing. In highschool I was never really told to automatically come up with a thesis, and go with it. I really think I'm going to get used to it though, considering it does help keep track of what I'm writing, and in what order I'm going to mention it. 
When I began writing my diagnostic essay, I sat down on my couch, with pen and paper and started stating as to what my opinion was on the article. It was kind of difficult to start out my writing, but once I began it just kept flowing out of me. I'm not certain as to why I like to write things with pen and paper first, but it really helps me get all of my thoughts and feelings together before typing. When I got the results of my essay back, I was kind of disappointed, but learned there are a few things I need to work on. I love to write, so learning what I need to work on is kind of like taking on a little challenge for me. Honestly I'm never really satisfied with my writing, and I don't know if this is abnormal or not. But I'm always trying to better my writing and use different tactics. Doing this paper taught me a lot more than what I expected. I'm pretty happy that I got so much out of it this assignment. I think that this was a really good way to judge on if someone was ready for this class or not.   


  1. Emily, Isn't it funny how we got all the way through high school and never had to find the thesis statement in a paper? I felt like everyone knew what it was right off the bat but us! That really doesn't surprise me considering the luck we have with those sorts of things though. That pretty much sums up a Georgetown education for you! Just kidding! We really did have a great school. At least we know now how to go about finding it for future papers and we can always sit and talk about it to see what the other thinks. I’m pretty sure that everyone was nervous about this paper though. We all knew what was at stake. It was really life or death it seemed like. I'm really glad that we both did well considering our doubts, because this class would not be the same if we weren't in it together. It's just like high school all over again! I seriously couldn’t ask for a better person to sit next to and work with. I’ll see you in class on Monday chick. Goodnight.

  2. Hi Emily! I figured I would comment on your blog because I was feeling the exact same way you were when we first got assigned that paper on the first day of class, I was so overwhelmed! I have always struggled coming up with a thesis as well, it is just something that I have never really been go about as a writer but I do hope to learn a few more things about it and hopefully become better at them throughout the year! Sitting down on a couch with a pen and paper is a good idea to get ideas flowing through your head! I just sit in front of the computer thinking of things in my head and maybe writing them down away from the computer will help me so I may use your tactics so thanks! I agree with you saying that it is always difficult for you to start your papers but once you do your mind just gets to flowing because I am the exact same way. It is always a struggle for me to get a good entrance on my papers but once I get it, I keep going. But good luck throughout your school year!
    -Brooke Kinney (204)
