Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Media Bias;eveningnews

This video caught my attention because the topic of abortion has always caught my eye. Whenever it is brought up to be discussed or even to write about in previous classes I have always chose it because I have a very strong opinion about it. The two types of bias that came to mind from Dr. Cline's list was Temporal bias, and Bad News bias. The reason that Temporal Bias came to my mind was because it states that "News is what's new and fresh." Right now the political campaign is what all the news channels are pretty focused on. So when Romney spoke today about how he was Pro Life and was going to get rid of plan parenthood the news immediately jumped on it. It was something that one of the canidates said about a very big and diverse topic. The news will feed off of anything that these people say right now with elections just around the corner. Because of that when Romney made this statement they felt the need to jump right on it because they "needed" the story.

On the other hand, the reason I chose Bad News bias for my second choice is because that involves having somewhat of a "dirty" story I guess you could call it. Abortion is a very touchy subject and many people still do not agree on it obviously. So what better way to get people to watch a story than to have a story on something that a lot of people disagree on? It will get people all stirred up and heated, yet it will make some people happy. Just depends on what side of the fence they are on. By Romney making the comment that he is against abortion and he wants to get rid of plan parenthood, and stop money from getting to that organization it makes it seem like that is a bad way of life. The world is such a horrible and bad place because people do this. Regardless of the situation, nobody knows exactly why someone chooses to do so. You don't know what went on in their life that made them make that decision.

Makayla Stark
Word Count: 362

1 comment:

  1. Temporal and bad news bias would definitely fit the description. I believe this is absolutely a terrible idea. This completely contradicts our nations rights to freedom. Each and every government official with any sort of power always wants to put more and more restrictions on us citizens. This is not fair. Plan Parenthood is a place where responsible women go to prevent from getting pregnant because they know they are not ready for such a huge load. All my friends went to plan parenthood when we were in high school and it kept them from getting pregnant so they could have a future. I’m not saying abortions are a great thing but every woman should have a choice, because that’s why us citizens live in America! To have choices and freedom. This is plain ignorant to me. If this is what Romney is about then no way in hell do I want him as a president. Not someone who is going to limit our freedom.
    When it comes to a thrid bias, I would have to choose Fairness. I know abortion isnt great and that a lot of people are against it. But this is taking away a womens right to choose her freedom. Some women arent fit to be mothers. Or maybe they are and they just cant because of other good reasons. Maybe their homeless or a prostitute. Is it really fair to let a women who is not a good person raise a child? Or let the child sit in an orphange or go from foster parent to foster parent? I myself could never choose abortion. But thats my right as a person. To choose what I will do with my decisions in life. The government is taking more control over us day by day. And we can not let religion decide how this country will be ran. Its nonsense! This is our right as women and we need to take a stand for this choice. Not everyone has to agree with it, but atleast it gives people a choice, because thats what america is really about.
    Jessica E
